Sunday, July 20, 2008


Yesterday I was driving to my friend's house for her 18th birthday party.
I past the street "Utopia"...and I thought of a former friend.
Whenever I used to go to his house, I would turn on "utopia" and over a year after our friendship has come to an end, I think of him when I see that street sign.
Last night I thought of how funny and ironic it is that he lived on utopia.
According to Webster's, Utopia means:
1: an imaginary and indefinitely remote place
2:often capitalized : a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions
3: an impractical scheme for social improvement

He was my ideal friend and lover
I loved him, trusted him, and called him my best friend.
I sometimes thought that he felt the same.
Our friendship, at times, was the most wonderful friendship I have ever endured.
But It was impractical and filled with fights, unrequited love, and miscommunication.
Our happiness came and went.

His street was a place of ideal perfection to me.
He was ideal perfection...however...he was mostly imaginary.
I was in love with him...until he moved off Utopia...and now we never speak.

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